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Gestión de riesgo de desastres, género y cambio climático: percepciones sociales en Yucatán, México

Disaster risk management, gender and climate chage: social perceptions in Yucatan, Mexico


El objetivo del presente trabajo es abonar a la reflexión de la articulación entre la gestión de riesgo de desastres y la equidad de género. Se presenta un estudio de caso en cuatro localidades del estado de Yucatán, México, sobre percepciones respecto al cambio climático y capacidades institucionales sobre gestión de riesgos. Para conocer las percepciones sociales locales se han utilizado los métodos de encuestas y entrevistas a informantes clave, y los resultados encontrados dan cuenta de la existencia de severos problemas en la institucionalidad municipal encargada tanto de la gestión de riesgo de desastres como de la promoción de procesos de mayor igualdad de género; además de esto, se registró un escaso conocimiento sobre los factores que provocan el cambio climático.

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the reflection on the link between disaster risk management and gender equity. It is presented a case study on perceptions about climate change and institutional abilities regarding risk management in four locations of the state of Yucatan, Mexico. In order to know the local social perceptions, surveys and interviews were administered to key informants, and the results account for the existence of serious problems in municipal institutions in charge of both disaster risk management and the promotion of processes to generate greater gender equality. Additionally, a lack of knowledge about the factors that cause climate change was recorded.


Cambio climático Desastres naturales Género Yucatán CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Evaluación del acondicionamiento reproductivo del ostión japonés (Magallana gigas) en dos sistemas de recirculación con prevalencia de polidóridos mediante la expresión de genes

Evaluation of Japanese oyster (Magallana gigas) broodstock conditioning in two recirculating systems with the prevalence of Polidorids through gene expression

Adrián Andrés Morales Guadarrama (2024)

El ostión Magallana gigas es ampliamente cultivado a nivel mundial. En Baja California, México, los laboratorios de reproducción deben acondicionar ostiones para su maduración y producción de gametos, y abastecer de semilla a los productores. En nuestro laboratorio, Sistemas de Recirculación Acuícola (SRA), con control del sistema CO2-Carbonatos (SRA-R) o sin control (SRA-C), han permitido madurar ostiones M. gigas y M. sikamea. Recientemente, los ostiones M. gigas acondicionados en nuestros SRA no maduraron, y algunos presentaron prevalencia de polidóridos (PP), poliquetos parásitos excavadores de concha. Para comprender la condición de los ostiones, evaluamos el efecto del SRA y de la PP sobre la expresión relativa de ocho genes asociados a biomineralización (VpATP y Tyr), inmunidad innata (P38, PGRP-L y TLR2) y reproducción (GnRH-RI, Vasa-like y SP1b) de M. gigas en dos etapas del acondicionamiento, 18 °C y 24 °C. La PP se determinó por la presencia de ampollas en la concha. Mediante RT-qPCR se determinó la expresión de VpATP, Tyr, P38, PGRP-L y TLR2 en el manto, y de GnRH-RI, Vasa-like y SP1b en la gónada. La expresión relativa se evaluó con un enfoque estadístico basado en un análisis Bayesiano de dos vías y comparaciones múltiples, p-valor significativo < 0.05 y corrección de Bonferroni. En 18 °C, la expresión de VpATP, Tyr, TLR2 y P38 fue mayor en ostiones con PP (CPP) que sin PP (SPP). En contraste, la expresión de GnRH-RI, Vasa-like y SP1b fue menor CPP que SPP. Dentro del SRA-C, en los ostiones CPP hubo mayor expresión de Tyr y menor expresión de Vasa-like y SP1b, respecto a los ostiones SPP. Esto sugiere que la PP induce la reparación de la concha y las respuestas inmune e inflamatoria en el manto mientras que en la gónada reduce el desarrollo de las células germinales. En 24 °C, en el SRA-R hubo menor expresión de SP1b respecto del SRA-C y sugiere menor división celular en la gónada. En conclusión, el SRA-R y la PP afectaron el balance energético del ostión japonés, limitando la energía y reflejando menor esfuerzo reproductivo en los ostiones del SRA-R al final del acondicionamiento reproductivo.

The Japanese oyster (Magallana gigas) is highly cultured worldwide. In Baja California, Mexico, the reproduction laboratories must condition oysters to maturity and have gametes to supply oyster seeds to producers. In our laboratory, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), with control of the CO2-Carbonate system (RAS-R) and without this control (RAS-C), have allowed oysters M. gigas and M. sikamea to mature. Recently, the M. gigas oysters conditioned in our RAS did not mature, and some have the prevalence of Polidorids (PP), shell-boring polychaete parasites. To understand the oysters' condition, we evaluated the effect of RAS and the PP on the relative expression of eight genes associated with biomineralization (VpATP and Tyr), innate immunity (P38, PGRP-L, and TLR2), and reproduction (GnRH-RI, Vasa-like, and SP1b) of M. gigas at two phases of broodstock conditioning, 18 °C and 24 °C. The PP was determined by mud blisters at the inner oyster shell. RT-qPCR determined the expression of VpATP, Tyr, p38, PGRP-L, and TLR2 in the mantle tissue and GnRH-RI, Vasa-like, and SP1b in the gonad tissue. The relative gene expression was evaluated by a Bayesian statistics frame based on a two-way and multiple comparison analysis, with significant p-value < 0.05 and Bonferroni correction. At 18 °C, there was higher expression of VpATP, Tyr, TLR2, and P38 in oysters with PP (WPP) than without PP (WOPP). In contrast, the expression of GnRH-RI, Vasa-like, and SP1b was less WPP than WOPP. It suggests that the PP induces shell repair and immune and inflammatory responses in mantle tissue, while in gonad tissue, it reduces the development of germinal cells. At 24 °C, in RAS-R, there was less expression of SP1b respect RAS-C, and it suggests less cellular division in the gonad. In conclusion, the RAS-R and the PP affect the energetic balance of the Japanese oyster, limiting the energy and reflecting less reproduction effort in oysters from RAS-R at the end of broodstock conditioning.

Master thesis

SRA, biomineralización, Vasa-like, Tyr, ostión RAS, biomineralization, Vasa-like, Tyr, oyster BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA GENÉTICA CITOGENÉTICA ANIMAL CITOGENÉTICA ANIMAL

Propaganda against Mexican women married to Chinese immigrants in Chihuahua 1920-1940

Vladimir Alejandro Armendáriz Romero Jesús Adolfo Trujillo Holguín (2023)

At the turn of the 20th century and at the beginning of the new revolutionary government stage in Mexico, the press was an effective way to disseminate propaganda for the nationalist ideology of the State. An important part of this diffusion covered the question of the racial constitution of the mexicans, which led to the need to convince the public that it was important to determine controls over women and with whom they married since they were responsible for the reproduction of the Mexican race. Therefore, a mixture of races considered undesirable, such as the Chinese, was detestable. This propaganda occurred in the context of national anti-Chinese and anti-Jewish campaigns in which they wanted to expel these foreigners on the pretext that their presence and mixing with them would result in degeneration. In Chihuahua there are indications of this propaganda, but also that women married to Chinese resisted this campaign against their families.



Racism gender social control mestizophobia propaganda Racismo género control social mestizofobia HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA

The Banana MaWRKY18, MaWRKY45, MaWRKY60 and MaWRKY70 Genes Encode Functional Transcription Factors and Display Differential Expression in Response to Defense Phytohormones


"WRKY transcription factors (TFs) play key roles in plant defense responses through phytohormone signaling pathways. However, their functions in tropical fruit crops, especially in banana, remain largely unknown. Several WRKY genes from the model plants rice (OsWRKY45) and Arabidopsis (AtWRKY18, AtWRKY60, AtWRKY70) have shown to be attractive TFs for engineering disease resistance. In this study, we isolated four banana cDNAs (MaWRKY18, MaWRKY45, MaWRKY60, and MaWRKY70) with homology to these rice and Arabidopsis WRKY genes. The MaWRKY cDNAs were isolated from the wild banana Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis, which is resistant to several diseases of this crop and is a progenitor of most banana cultivars. The deduced amino acid sequences of the four MaWRKY cDNAs revealed the presence of the conserved WRKY domain of ~60 amino acids and a zinc-finger motif at the N-terminus. Based on the number of WRKY repeats and the structure of the zinc-finger motif, MaWRKY18 and MaWRKY60 belong to group II of WRKY TFs, while MaWRKY45 and MaWRKY70 are members of group III. Their corresponding proteins were located in the nuclei of onion epidermal cells and were shown to be functional TFs in yeast cells. Moreover, expression analyses revealed that the majority of these MaWRKY genes were upregulated by salicylic acid (SA) or methyl jasmonate (MeJA) phytohormones, although the expression levels were relatively higher with MeJA treatment. The fact that most of these banana WRKY genes were upregulated by SA or MeJA, which are involved in systemic acquired resistance (SAR) or induced systemic resistance (ISR), respectively, make them interesting candidates for bioengineering broad-spectrum resistance in this crop."


Banana Transcription factor WRKY Defense phytohormones Salicylic acid Methyl jasmonate SAR ISR Broad-spectrum resistance BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA GENÉTICA GENÉTICA