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Structural analysis evaluationfor rollers of chassis dynoUsing finite element software


This paper discusses the design considerations for a chassis dynamometer, focused on the rollers system used for measuring the power and torque of a vehicle in a university-level workshop. The design must prioritize factors such as safety, ease of use, adaptability to diverse types of vehicles, and the inclusion of safety systems to protect students and the vehicle. The work suggests adaptative features for the design, such as an adjustable fastening system and a compact and portable design, to adapt the structure into a university laboratory. The study also describes common methods for measuring engine power and torque using a chassis dynamometer, and the accurate and reliable measurement systems used for this purpose. This concludes with a discussion of the manufacturing methods used for the chassis dynamometer and a static analysis of the maximum effort capacity in each roller using Von Mises and Goodman fatigue theories. Developing a chassis dynamometer, in accordance the current patents available for workshop practices in a university is essential for providing students with comprehensive training.


Chassis dynamometer Conceptual design Finite element software Power and torque measurement Structural analysis INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

Diseño de productos vs. diseño de conceptos (una nueva perspectiva del diseño industrial basada en innovación)

José Humberto Jacobo Solís (2023)

Este trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar una visión alternativa para el diseño industrial, la cual se centra en el desarrollo de conceptos de negocio en lugar de únicamente centrarse en el desarrollo de productos. Asimismo, esta visión intenta romper con ciertos paradigmas que se enfocan en el rechazo hacia a la innovación y hacia la comercialización de los conceptos resultantes del proceso de diseño, a través de la exposición de las posturas de diversos autores quienes consideran que la innovación es el camino para lograr enfrentar los grandes desafíos sociales y ambientales que aquejan a la sociedad actual. Finalmente, este documento presenta únicamente las bases para la realización de un trabajo de investigación mucho más profundo, el cual permita darle mayor validez a la idea central de que el diseño debe evolucionar de una disciplina enfocada en el desarrollo de productos hacia una enfocada en el desarrollo de conceptos de negocio.

This work aims to present an alternative vision for industrial design, which focuses on the development of business concepts instead of only focusing on product development. Likewise, this vision tries to break with certain paradigms that focus on the rejection of innovation and the commercialization of the concepts resulting from the design process, through the exposition of the positions of various authors who consider that innovation is the way to face the great social and environmental challenges that afflict today’s society. Finally, this document only presents the bases for carrying out a much deeper research work, which allows giving greater validity to the central idea that design must evolve from a discipline focused on product development to one focused on the development of business concepts.

Book part

Diseño conceptual, innovación, conceptualización, concepto de diseño. Conceptual design, innovation, conceptualization, design concept. Product design. Industrial design. Creative ability. Product design--Methodology. Diseño de producto. Diseño industrial. Aptitud creadora. TS171.4 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS