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deepmala sehgal Laura Dixon Diego Pequeno Jose Crossa Alison Bentley Susanne Dreisigacker (2024)
Book part
Hexaploid Wheat Adaptive Genes Novel Genomic Regions Gene-Based Modeling Process-Based Modeling Global Food Security CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA HEXAPLOIDY WHEAT QUANTITATIVE TRAIT LOCI MODELLING FOOD SECURITY
Modelado y acoplamiento de la conductividad eléctrica e hidráulica a partir de tomografía de rocas
Modeling and coupling of electrical and hydraulic conductivity from rock tomography
Miguel Ángel Martínez Rodríguez (2022)
En este trabajo se emplearon técnicas de modelado numérico para simular el flujo de corriente eléctrica y de fluido a través de medios porosos con el fin de determinar el factor de resistividad y la permeabilidad, así como la distribución de los campos de densidad de corriente eléctrica y velocidad de flujo. Para el modelado de flujo eléctrico se desarrolló un algoritmo basado en diferencias finitas, mientras que para el modelado hidráulico se empleó una librería reportada en la literatura, basada en el método de redes de Boltzmann. En ambos esquemas de modelado se establecieron condiciones en la frontera poro-grano para modelar los procesos físicos exclusivamente en el espacio poroso. Los valores estimados de factor de resistividad y de permeabilidad, así como la porosidad, se emplearon para estudiar las correlaciones entre estas propiedades a través de relaciones petrofísicas. Para esto, se propuso una expresión que relaciona la permeabilidad y la porosidad y, empleando una relación existente entre el factor de resistividad y la porosidad, se propuso también una relación directa entre la permeabilidad y el factor de resistividad. Las relaciones propuestas fueron aplicadas a los valores numéricos obtenidos para paquetes de esferas generados numéricamente y se encontró que se ajustan mejor a los datos en comparación con las relaciones más comúnmente utilizadas, especialmente para porosidades altas. Se mostró también que estas relaciones petrofísicas toman la forma de las relaciones más comunes conocidas cuando se trata con porosidades bajas. Valores obtenidos de imágenes digitales de un paquete de esferas sintético y una muestra de dolomita mostraron que las expresiones para porosidades bajas son suficientes para ajustar datos de medios porosos con porosidades menores a un valor entre 0.3 y 0.4. Finalmente, se analizaron el factor de resistividad, la permeabilidad, las relaciones petrofísicas, y las distribuciones espaciales y estadísticas de los campos vectoriales de flujo se analizaron para comparar los fenómenos de transporte eléctrico e hidráulico, encontrando que algunos factores, como la porosidad efectiva, son importantes en ambos fenómenos de flujo; mientras que otros, como la adherencia del fluido a las paredes del poro, son particularmente relevantes para el flujo hidráulico.
In this work, numerical modeling techniques were used to simulate the flow of electric current and fluid through porous media in order to determine the resistivity factor and permeability, as well as the distribution of electric current density and flow velocity fields. For electric flow modeling, an algorithm based on finite differences was developed, while for hydraulic modeling, a library reported in the literature, based on lattice Boltzmann method, was used. In both modeling schemes, pore-grain boundary conditions were established to model the physical processes exclusively in the pore space. The estimated values of resistivity factor and permeability, as well as porosity, were used to study the correlations between these properties through petrophysical relationships. An expression relating permeability and porosity was proposed and, using an existing relationship between the resistivity factor and the porosity, a direct relation between permeability and resistivity factor was also proposed. The proposed relations were applied to data obtained for numerically generated sphere packs and were found to fit the data better than the most commonly used relationships, especially for high porosities. It was also shown that these petrophysical relationships take the form of the most common relationships known when dealing with low porosities. Modeling data on digital images of a synthetic sphere pack and a dolomite sample showed that the expressions for low porosities are sufficient to fit data from porous media with porosities lower than 0.3 to 0.4. Finally, resistivity factors, permeabilities, petrophysical relationships, and spatial and statistical distributions of flow vector fields were analyzed to compare electrical and hydraulic transport phenomena, finding that some factors, such as the effective porosity, are important in both flow phenomena; whereas some other, such as the pore-wall adherence, are particularly relevant to hidraulic flux.
Master thesis
Física de rocas, modelado numérico, relaciones petrofísicas, fenómenos de transporte, factor de resistividad, permeabilidad, porosidad, tomografía de rocas, campos vectoriales, distribución estadística Rock physics, numerical modelling, petrophysical relations, transport phenomena, resistivity factor, permeability, porosity, rock tomography, vector fields, statistical distribution CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO GEOFÍSICA GEOFÍSICA DE LA MASA SÓLIDA TERRESTRE GEOFÍSICA DE LA MASA SÓLIDA TERRESTRE
João Vasco Silva Frits K. Van Evert Pytrik Reidsma (2023)
Context: Wheat crop growth models from all over the world have been calibrated on the Groot and Verberne (1991) data set, collected between 1982 and 1984 in the Netherlands, in at least 28 published studies to date including various recent ones. However, the recent use of this data set for calibration of potential yield is questionable as actual Dutch winter wheat yields increased by 3.1 Mg ha-1 over the period 1984 – 2015. A new comprehensive set of winter wheat experiments, suitable for crop model calibration, was conducted in Wageningen during the growing seasons of 2013–2014 and of 2014–2015. Objective: The present study aimed to quantify the change of winter wheat variety traits between 1984 and 2015 and to examine which of the identified traits explained the increase in wheat yield most. Methods: PCSE-LINTUL3 was calibrated on the Groot and Verberne data (1991) set. Next, it was evaluated on the 2013–2015 data set. The model was further recalibrated on the 2013–2015 data set. Parameter values of both calibrations were compared. Sensitivity analysis was used to assess to what extent climate change, elevated CO2, changes in sowing dates, and changes in cultivar traits could explain yield increases. Results: The estimated reference light use efficiency and the temperature sum from anthesis to maturity were higher in 2013–2015 than in 1982–1984. PCSE-LINTUL3, calibrated on the 1982–1984 data set, underestimated the yield potential of 2013–2015. Sensitivity analyses showed that about half of the simulated winter wheat yield increase between 1984 and 2015 in the Netherlands was explained by elevated CO2 and climate change. The remaining part was explained by the increased temperature sum from anthesis to maturity and, to a smaller extent, by changes in the reference light use efficiency. Changes in sowing dates, biomass partitioning fractions, thermal requirements for anthesis, and biomass reallocation did not explain the yield increase. Conclusion: Recalibration of PCSE-LINTUL3 was necessary to reproduce the high wheat yields currently obtained in the Netherlands. About half of the reported winter wheat yield increase was attributed to climate change and elevated CO2. The remaining part of the increase was attributed to changes in the temperature sum from anthesis to maturity and, to a lesser extent, the reference light use efficiency. Significance: This study systematically addressed to what extent changes in various cultivar traits, climate change, and elevated CO2 can explain the winter wheat yield increase observed in the Netherlands between 1984 and 2015.
Kindie Tesfaye Vakhtang Shelia Pierre C. Sibiry Traore Dawit Solomon Gerrit Hoogenboom (2023)
Seasonal climate variability determines crop productivity in Ethiopia, where rainfed smallholder farming systems dominate in the agriculture production. Under such conditions, a functional and granular spatial yield forecasting system could provide risk management options for farmers and agricultural and policy experts, leading to greater economic and social benefits under highly variable environmental conditions. Yet, there are currently only a few forecasting systems to support early decision making for smallholder agriculture in developing countries such as Ethiopia. To address this challenge, a study was conducted to evaluate a seasonal crop yield forecast methodology implemented in the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT). CRAFT is a software platform that can run pre-installed crop models and use the Climate Predictability Tool (CPT) to produce probabilistic crop yield forecasts with various lead times. Here we present data inputs, model calibration, evaluation, and yield forecast results, as well as limitations and assumptions made during forecasting maize yield. Simulations were conducted on a 0.083° or ∼ 10 km resolution grid using spatially variable soil, weather, maize hybrids, and crop management data as inputs for the Cropping System Model (CSM) of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). CRAFT combines gridded crop simulations and a multivariate statistical model to integrate the seasonal climate forecast for the crop yield forecasting. A statistical model was trained using 29 years (1991–2019) data on the Nino-3.4 Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) as gridded predictors field and simulated maize yields as the predictand. After model calibration the regional aggregated hindcast simulation from 2015 to 2019 performed well (RMSE = 164 kg/ha). The yield forecasts in both the absolute and relative to the normal yield values were conducted for the 2020 season using different predictor fields and lead times from a grid cell to the national level. Yield forecast uncertainties were presented in terms of cumulative probability distributions. With reliable data and rigorous calibration, the study successfully demonstrated CRAFT's ability and applicability in forecasting maize yield for smallholder farming systems. Future studies should re-evaluate and address the importance of the size of agricultural areas while comparing aggregated simulated yields with yield data collected from a fraction of the target area.
El transporte de hidrocarburos por ductos enterrados es la forma más segura, confiable y económica para su suministro, estos pueden extenderse grandes longitudes territoriales e inclusive atravesar países con tal de satisfacer la demanda energética. No obstante, los ductos pueden sufrir daños provocados por el ambiente, su operación o bien provocados por terceros, siendo necesario que sean intervenidos reemplazando las secciones dañadas. Las regulaciones nacionales y tratados internacionales desalientan la liberación de grandes cantidades de gas natural a la atmósfera, por demás de que un paro de suministro conlleva a desabasto energético, multas y a costosas operaciones asociadas con la rehabilitación del ducto, forzando a soldar envolventes y accesorios sin detener la operación de los ductos, esto se conoce como “soldadura en servicio”. La soldadura en servicio es un proceso tecnológico, por el cual se puede efectuar la interconexión y la reparación de ductos mientras están en operación, previo a realizar estas actividades, se requiere que dos riesgos sean evaluados: agrietamiento por hidrógeno y quemada pasante. Las simulaciones actuales y validaciones evalúan estos riesgos de forma independiente, pero debido a su interdependencia estos riesgos deben evaluarse en conjunto. Un método de reparación que no es normalmente empleado, pero con un alto potencial debido a su simplicidad y versatilidad, es la deposición directa de soldadura. En la presente investigación, se realizó una simulación numérica fluido-termo-mecánica acoplada con validación experimental, de la reparación de un tubo con flujo presurizado conteniendo un defecto interno por la deposición directa de soldadura. Por medio de la cual, es posible predecir el comportamiento estructural del ducto mientras se realiza la reparación.
La simulación numérica se efectuó con el apoyo del software ANSYS versión académica 22R2, siendo esta una herramienta de última generación capaz de contribuir en la predicción de mecanismos complejos como lo es la soldadura en servicio, incrementando con ello la seguridad y confiabilidad de estas operaciones. Cabe hacer mención, que la regulación nacional prohíbe la reparación de defectos internos por la deposición directa de soldadura, esto se debe principalmente a la falta de investigaciones validadas que respalden su viabilidad. Los resultados demostraron la efectividad de emplear este método de reparación para restaurar la resistencia mecánica de los ductos. Las inspecciones por pruebas no destructivas superficiales, subsuperficiales y volumétricas, evidenciaron que no ocurrió agrietamiento inmediatamente al finalizar la reparación y retardada (posterior a por lo menos 12 horas después de haberse finalizada la reparación, tiempo suficiente para permitir la difusión de hidrógeno atómico a hidrógeno molecular). Las curvas de tendencia de temperatura mostraron buena aproximación teniéndose una diferencia máxima de 5.09% entre los resultados numéricos y experimental. Los resultados numéricos y experimentales de la deformación perimetral a lo largo de la longitud de la tubería mostraron un comportamiento similar con una diferencia significativa del 17.7% entre los valores numéricos atribuidos a la falta de información de entrada para las propiedades de la soldadura. El análisis estructural efectuado en este estudio emplea la estimación del riesgo de quemada pasante bajo presión interna, determinado por la ocurrencia de abultamiento radial localizado. Los resultados numéricos indican que no ocurre deformación plástica relevante. Se hace una fuerte recomendación para que las evaluaciones de análisis térmico empleen la morfología actual del defecto y no solo consideren el espesor remanente del tubo. De acuerdo con la revisión bibliográfica realizada y recientemente publicada, este tipo de simulación numérica acoplada con validación experimental de la reparación de ductos en servicio por deposición directa de soldadura para la reparación de defectos internos contemplando la prevención de quemada pasante y agrietamiento por hidrógeno no ha sido realizada con anterioridad.
Hydrocarbon transportation by buried pipelines is the safest, most reliable, and economical way for its supply; these can extend long territorial distances and even cross countries with the purpose of satisfying the energy demand. However, the pipelines can suffer damages caused by their environment, their operation, or provoked by third parties, making necessary interventions to replace the damaged sections. National regulations and international agreements discourage the release of large quantities of natural gas into the atmosphere; moreover, a stop in its supply entails an energetic shortage, fines, and expensive operations associated with the pipeline rehabilitation, forcing to weld sleeves and fittings without stop the pipeline operation, this is known as “In-Service Welding”. In-Service welding is a technological process for which interconnection and repair of pipelines can be made while they are in operation; before making it, two main risks need to be assessed: hydrogen cracking and burn-through. Current simulations and validations assess these risks independently, but due to their interdependence, these risks need to be assessed in conjunction. A repair method not normally used but with high potential due to its simplicity and versatility is the direct deposition of the weld. In the present research, a fluid-thermo-mechanical coupled numerical simulation with experimental validation was done of a repair on a pipe with pressurized flow having an internal defect by direct deposition of the weld. It is possible predict the structural behavior of a pipeline while the reparation is performed.
The numerical simulation was done with the support of ANSYS software academic version 22R2, the latest generation tool able to contribute to the prediction of complex mechanisms, as is in-service welding, increasing the security and confidence of these operations. It is worth mentioning that national regulation forbids the reparation of internal defects for direct deposition of the weld; the main reason is the lack of validated investigations supporting its viability. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of using this repair method to restore the mechanical strength of pipelines. Surface, sub-surface, and volumetric non-destructive inspections evidenced no cracking immediately to finish the repair and delayed (after at least 12 hours of having finished the repair, time enough to allow the hydrogen diffusion from atomic hydrogen to molecular hydrogen). Temperature tendency curves showed good approximations, having a maximum difference of 5.09 % between numerical and experimental. Perimeter deformation along the pipe length between numerical and experimental results displayed a similar behavior with a significant difference of 17.7% against numerical values attributed to the lack of input data for weld properties. The structural analysis performed in this study used the approach of the risk of burn-through under internal pressure determined by the occurrence of localized radial bulging. Numerical results indicated no relevant plastic strain occurs. It is strongly recommended that thermal analysis assessments using the actual defect morphology be performed, not only considering the remaining thickness of the pipe. According to the bibliographic revision performed and recently published, this kind of coupled numerical simulation of in-service repair or pipelines by direct deposition for repairing internal defects considering the prevention of burn-through and hydrogen cracking has not been done.
Doctoral thesis
Ducto Soldadura en servicio Quemada pasante Agrietamiento por hidrógeno Reparación de soldadura Simulación numérica Pipeline In-service welding Burn-through Hydrogen cracking Weld repair Numerical simulation INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS