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Diluted density. Urban planning in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area
Sheila Ferniza Quiroz Jesús Manuel Fitch Osuna (2021)
The Monterrey Metropolitan Area (mma) in Northern Mexico has had an expansive and dispersed growth in recent decades. In 35 years, the city doubled its population and grew 8 times in territory (Secretariat for Sustainable Development, 2020). As a mitigation measure and with the objective of repopulating the areas within the city, urban regulations have been promoted that allow higher density and building potentials in some municipalities; however, the efforts are isolated and without metropolitan coordination. What are the urban regulation guidelines in the municipalities of the mma? How dense are its municipalities? Where are located the densest areas of the city? The objective of this research is to establish the current state of local regulation regarding urban development and to map the housing density to identify the locations with the lowest and highest density at the mma. The gross density at the Ageb scale is mapped for the 18 municipalities of the mma through the QGis software; data from the Inegi 2020 National Population and Housing Census is used. It is found that the peripheral municipalities of recent incorporation to the mma, unlike those of greater urbanization, lack urban development plans, and that most of the municipalities do not have updated regulations based on the current laws. The areas with the highest density are located in the peripheral municipalities, associated with the construction of low-income mass housing, and those with the lowest density in interior municipalities in areas of higher socioeconomic status, diluting the small efforts of densification in the city.
density urban sprawl urban planning densidad expansión urbana planeación urbana HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
Kindie Tesfaye Dereje Ademe Enyew Adgo (2023)
This study determined the most effective plating density (PD) and nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate for well-adapted BH540 medium-maturing maize cultivars for current climate condition in north west Ethiopia midlands. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT)-Crop Environment Resource Synthesis (CERES)-Maize model has been utilized to determine the appropriate PD and N-fertilizer rate. An experimental study of PD (55,555, 62500, and 76,900 plants ha−1) and N (138, 207, and 276 kg N ha−1) levels was conducted for 3 years at 4 distinct sites. The DSSAT-CERES-Maize model was calibrated using climate data from 1987 to 2018, physicochemical soil profiling data (wilting point, field capacity, saturation, saturated hydraulic conductivity, root growth factor, bulk density, soil texture, organic carbon, total nitrogen; and soil pH), and agronomic management data from the experiment. After calibration, the DSSAT-CERES-Maize model was able to simulate the phenology and growth parameters of maize in the evaluation data set. The results from analysis of variance revealed that the maximum observed and simulated grain yield, biomass, and leaf area index were recorded from 276 kg N ha−1 and 76,900 plants ha−1 for the BH540 maize variety under the current climate condition. The application of 76,900 plants ha−1 combined with 276 kg N ha−1 significantly increased observed and simulated yield by 25% and 15%, respectively, compared with recommendation. Finally, future research on different N and PD levels in various agroecological zones with different varieties of mature maize types could be conducted for the current and future climate periods.
XUECAI ZHANG Zefeng Yang Yang Xu (2022)
PRATEEK MADHAB BHATTACHARYA Apurba Chowdhury Tapamay Dhar Md. Saiful Islam Alison Laing Mahesh Gathala (2022)
"Se estudiaron tres poblaciones silvestres de Jatropha curcas L. en la región sur y centro de Sinaloa en los sitios de Estación Dimas, La Campana y El Quelite. Los objetivos fueron caracterizar morfológicamente las plantas y semillas, evaluar la relación de las variables morfológicas con los factores ambientales y analizar el potencial de distribución de las especies en Sinaloa considerando los factores ambientales registrados en los sitios de estudio. En cada sitio de estudio se realizó el conteo del número de individuos/m2 y se midió la altura, el diámetro de copa, el diámetro basal y el número de ramas. De cada sitio se obtuvo también el número de semillas por kilogramo, color, peso, longitud y ancho de la semilla. La altura de las plantas estuvo en un intervalo de 2.25 a 4.59 m, el diámetro de la copa fue de 2.24 a 4.48 m, el diámetro basal de 18.75-24.81 cm y el número de ramificaciones de 2 a 4. No se observaron diferencias significativas entre las características morfológicas de las plantas de Estación Dimas y el Quelite pero sí con respecto a La Campana. En ambos sitios se observó que la altura de las plantas fue favorecida cuando la temperatura y velocidad del viento fueron menores, y cuando la precipitación y humedad relativa fueron mayores. Las dimensiones de las semillas fueron, ancho 7.41 a 7.9 mm y longitud de 15.1 a 15.9 mm. La humedad de las semillas fue de 3.57 a 4.21%, y el color de las semillas fue de 60.80 a 65.64°Hue. La mayor densidad de individuos se encontró en Estación Dimas (21 ind/ha), pero la utilización del campo con fines agrícolas que se encuentra cercana a este ecotipo amenaza al desarrollo de la vegetación silvestre de este sitio. Por lo que el germoplasma de las poblaciones en estudio puede ser útil para elaboración de planes y manejos de conservación de la especie, además constituye una alternativa para el establecimiento de cultivos en el estado con especies propias de la región y, posiblemente, para otras regiones del país. Por otro lado, se observó que la especie tiene un alto potencial de distribución en el estado de Sinaloa principalmente en los municipios de Sinaloa de Leyva, Guasave, Guamúchil, Culiacán, Elota, San Ignacio, Mazatlán, Villa Unión, Concordia y Escuinapa."
"Three wild populations of Jatropha curcas in the central and southern parts of Sinaloa were studied; Estación Dimas, La Campana, and El Quelite. The objectives were to characterize plants and seeds morphologically to assess the relationship between morphologica traits and environmental factors and the potential distribution of the species considering environmental factors from the study sites. All individuals/m2 and number of branches were counted, and height, diameter of cup, and basal diameter were measured. The number of seeds per kilogram was obtained, as well as color, weight, and seed length and width. Plant height ranged from 2.25 to 4.59 m; the crown diameter from 2.24 to 4.48 m; basal diameter from 18.75 to 24.81 cm; and branch number 2 to 4. No significant differences were found in morphological characteristics between plants from Estación Dimas and El Quelite but those from La Campana were significantly smaller. Plant height was favored in sites with lower temperature, altitude, and wind speed, and with higher precipitation and relative humidity. Seed length ranged from 7.41 to 7.9 mm and seed width from 15.1 to 15.9 mm. Seed moisture ranged from 3.57 to 4.21%. The seed color ranged from 60.80 to 65.54° Hue. The highest tree density was found in Estación Dimas (21 ind/ha), but agricultural practices threatens the vegetation in this site. The species has a high potential for distribution in the southern and central parts of the state. Germplasm from the studied populations may be useful for plans and management for species conservation; they also constitute an alternative to the establishment of crops in the state of Sinaloa with typical species of the region and possibly other regions of the country. Moreover, it was observed that the species has a high potential for distribution in the state mainly in the municipalities of Sinaloa de Leyva, Guasave, Guamuchil, Culiacan, Elota, San Ignacio, Mazatlan, Villa Union, Concordia, and Escuinapa."
densidad, distribución, semilla density, distribution, seed BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL (BOTÁNICA) SEMILLAS SEMILLAS
Existen factores ambientales de naturaleza física, química o biológica que afectan directamente la alimentación de los peces. Por ejemplo, las altas densidades de cultivo pueden generar estrés en los organismos, resultando en la merma del consumo de alimento y por ende su crecimiento. Sin embargo, algunas especies toleran altas densidades formando un grupo o cardumen que les confiere un mejor desempeño. Otro factor que afecta el comportamiento de algunas especies es la coloración de los tanques de cultivo; demostrando la necesidad de utilizar tanques con un entorno físico adecuado para la especie a cultivar. Actualmente, M. saxatilis se produce en tanques en laboratorio y se engorda en jaulas marinas en Baja California; así que existe un gran interés por mejorar su crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar tres densidades de cultivo (alta: 6.2 kg·m-3, media: 3.1 kg·m-3 y baja: 1.5 kg·m-3) y dos colores de tanque (azul celeste y negro) en el crecimiento, supervivencia, utilización del alimento, índices corporales y concentración de cortisol y glucosa de juveniles de lobina rayada en agua marina para su mantenimiento en laboratorio durante nueve semanas. Los resultados demostraron que los organismos obtuvieron el mayor crecimiento en peso en la densidad media, indistintamente del color del tanque. Asimismo, la densidad afectó significativamente los índices hepatosomático y liposomático, ya que disminuyeron conforme aumentó la densidad. El color del tanque influyó de manera importante en el consumo de alimento (azules: 37.4 ± 1.9 g·pez-1; negros: 35.9 ± 2.0 g·pez-1). La interacción de los factores afectó la TCE, TCA y TEP. Las concentraciones de cortisol (81.8 ± 22.5 ng·ml-1) y glucosa (83.2 ± 11.4 mg·100 ml-1) fueron similares en todos los tratamientos y relativamente bajas para la especie. En conclusión, se logró elucidar bajo qué condiciones de cultivo en laboratorio los organismos lograron superar los factores de estrés sin comprometer su crecimiento y supervivencia, reflejándose en un mejor desempeño biológico. Se recomienda utilizar tanques azules o negros con densidades iniciales de 4.2 kg·m-3 o 233 peces·m-3 para el cultivo de juveniles de M. saxatilis en agua salada bajo condiciones de laboratorio.
Environmental factors of a physical, chemical or biological nature such as high stocking densities can directly affect fish feeding and generate stress in organisms, resulting in a decrease in food intake and therefore growth. However, some species tolerate high densities, forming a group or shoal resulting in better overall performance. Another factor that influences the behavior of some species is the color of the culture tank; warranting the need to use tanks with a physical environment suitable for the species to be cultivated. Currently, striped bass are produced in tank-based hatcheries to be socked in sea cages for growout in Baja California. Thus, there is interest in improving their growth rate and feed efficiency under laboratory conditions. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of three stocking densities (high: 6.2 kg m-3, medium: 3.1 kg m-3 and low: 1.5 kg m-3) and two tank colors (light blue and black) on the biological performance (growth, survival, food utilization), somatic indices and fish stress using the concentration of cortisol and glucose in blood serum as response variables of juvenile striped bass cultured in seawater for nine weeks. The results showed that the organisms had greater growth in terms of final weight when they were cultured at the medium stocking density, regardless of tank color. Likewise, density had a significant effect on hepatosomatic and liposomatic indices, with a tendency to decrease as density increased. The color of the tank significantly influenced the food consumption (blues: 37.4 ± 1.9 g·fish-1; blacks: 35.9 ± 2.0 g·fish-1). The interaction of the factors influenced TCE, TCA and TEP. The concentrations of cortisol (81.8 ± 22.5 ng·ml-1) and glucose (83.2 ± 11.4 mg·100 ml-1) were similar in all treatments indicating low fish stress. In conclusion, it was possible to elucidate under which laboratory culture conditions the organisms were able to overcome the stress factors without compromising their growth and survival; reflected in better biological performance. A stocking density of 4.2 kg m-3 o 233 fish·m-3 for M. saxatilis juvenile reared in saltwater under laboratory culture conditions is recommended.
Master thesis
lobina rayada, densidad cultivo, color tanque, estrés, crecimiento striped bass, stocking density, tank color, stress, growth CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PISCICULTURA PISCICULTURA
El bisfenol A (BPA), es un contaminante de origen industrial presente en efluentes y
aguas naturales, que representa un alto riesgo para el entorno ambiental y para la salud humana debido a su inherente toxicidad y su limitada capacidad de degradación. En este contexto, los sensores electroquímicos, generalmente basados en electrodos de carbono, son herramientas fundamentales con el propósito de detectar y cuantificar esta molécula. Sin embargo, estos dispositivos enfrentan desafíos sustanciales derivados de la inactivación electroquímica, un fenómeno atribuido a la formación de una capa aislante o polimerización durante el proceso de detección. La descripción de los mecanismos de reacción BPA/superficie del electrodo puede ser útil para identificar los sitios activos y contribuir a la elucidación del proceso de polimerización.
En esta investigación, se implementó un estudio teórico mediante Teoría de Funcionales de la Densidad (DFT) con el propósito de analizar con profundidad las interacciones entre el BPA en sus diversos estados de oxidación: oxidada (O), reducida (R) y monoprotonada (r*) y materiales de carbono. A tal efecto, se empleó el grafeno funcionalizado (plano basal, borde tipo silla y zigzag) como modelo representativo de la superficie del electrodo. Finalmente se evalúan las posibilidades de la dimerización del BPA o polimerización sobre varios grupos funcionales. El objetivo principal radica en la detección de grupos funcionales específicos que puedan inducir procesos secundarios, los cuales actúan como obstáculos para la eficaz detección electroquímica del BPA. La información resultante se instituye como un recurso valioso con miras al diseño y la optimización de sensores electroquímicos con un desempeño más robusto y sofisticado.
A continuación, se detalla la sinopsis general de este trabajo describiendo cada capítulo y las etapas involucradas en el estudio del modelo teórico de DFT para el sistema de reacción BPA/superficie del electrodo.
Capítulo 1. Estado del arte tanto de los usos industriales como las implicaciones
ambientales asociadas al Bisfenol A. Una de las problemáticas que se destacan es la necesidad de una detección precisa de esta molécula mediante sensores electroquímicos cuya limitación es la inactivación que presentan. También se describe la justificación del trabajo, así como el uso del modelo computacional, además de los objetivos y la hipótesis del mismo.
Capítulo 2. Descripción de los fundamentos teóricos basados en primeros principios, de la Teoría de Funcionales de la Densidad (DFT), con un enfoque especial en las aproximaciones para desarrollar modelos representativos que optimicen el tiempo de cálculo. Además, se detallan las características de la estructura y la superficie de los materiales de carbono considerados en el proceso de modelado.
Capítulo 3. Detalle del proceso de construcción del modelo de superficie para el estudio de las interacciones BPA/superficie del electrodo, donde se empleó el modelo del plano basal,así como los bordes tipo silla y zigzag del grafeno, con funcionalizaciones que incluyen COOH, OH, éter, epóxido, cetona y terminaciones de hidrógeno.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a contaminant of industrial origin present in effluents and natural waters. It represents a high environmental and human health risk due to its inherent toxicity and limited degradation capacity. In this context, electrochemical sensors, generally based on carbon electrodes, are fundamental to detecting and quantifying this molecule. However, these devices face substantial challenges from electrochemical inactivation, a phenomenon attributed to forming an insulating layer or polymerization during the sensing process. The description of the BPA/electrode surface reaction mechanisms can be helpful to identify the active sites and contribute to the elucidation of the polymerization process.
In this research, a theoretical study was implemented using Density Functional Theory (DFT) to analyze in depth the interactions between BPA in its various oxidation states: oxidized (O), reduced (R), and monoprotonated (r*) and carbon materials. For this purpose, functionalized graphene (basal plane, saddle edge, and zigzag) was used as a representative model of the electrode surface. Finally, the possibilities of BPA dimerization or polymerization on various functional groups are evaluated. The main objective is detecting specific functional groups that can induce secondary processes, which act as obstacles to the effective electrochemical detection of BPA. The resulting information is a valuable resource for designing and optimizing electrochemical sensors with more robust and sophisticated performance.
The general synopsis of this work is detailed below, describing each chapter and the
stages involved in the study of the theoretical DFT model for the BPA/electrode surface reaction system.
Chapter 1. State of the art of industrial uses and the environmental implications associated with Bisphenol A. One of the problems that stands out is the need for precise detection of this molecule using electrochemical sensors, whose limitation is the inactivation they present. The justification of the work is also described, as well as the use of the computational model, in addition to its objectives and hypothesis.
Chapter 2. Description of the theoretical foundations based on first principles of Density Functional Theory (DFT), focusing on approaches to develop representative models that optimize calculation time. Additionally, the structure and surface characteristics of the carbon materials considered in the modeling process are detailed.
Chapter 3. Detail of the construction process of the surface model for the study of BPA/electrode surface interactions, where the basal plane model was used, as well as the chair- type and zigzag edges of graphene, with functionalizations that include COOH, OH, ether, epoxide, ketone, and hydrogen endings.
Master thesis
INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS Oxidación de fenoles, Teoría de funcionales de la densidad (DFT), electrodos de carbono, desactivación electroquímica, Bisfenol A (BPA). Phenol oxidation, Density Functional Theory (DFT), carbon electrodes, electrochemical deactivation, Bisphenol A (BPA).
M. Concepción García-Aguilar (2018)
The Earth0s climate is warming, especially in the mid- and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) breeds and haul-outs on islands and the mainland of Baja California, Mexico, and California, U.S.A. At the beginning of the 21st century, numbers of elephant seals in California are increasing, but the status of Baja California populations is unknown, and some data suggest they may be decreasing. We hypothesize that the elephant seal population of Baja California is experiencing a decline because the animals are not migrating as far south due to warming sea and air temperatures. Here we assessed population trends of the Baja California population, and climate change in the region. The numbers of northern elephant seals in Baja California colonies have been decreasing since the 1990s, and both the surface waters off Baja California and the local air temperatures have warmed during the last three decades. We propose that declining population sizes may be attributable to decreased migration towards the southern portions of the range in response to the observed temperature increases. Further research is needed to confirm our hypothesis; however, if true, it would imply that elephant seal colonies of Baja California and California are not demographically isolated which would pose challenges to environmental and management policies between Mexico and the United States. © 2018 García-Aguilar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
air temperature, article, Baja California, climate change, human, Mirounga angustirostris, nonhuman, population size, warming, animal, ecosystem, environmental protection, Mexico, Phocidae, population density, population migration, temperature, Anima CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA
Maintenance of Coastal Surface Blooms by Surface Temperature Stratification and Wind Drift
Algae blooms are an increasingly recurrent phenomenon of potentially socio-economic impact in coastal waters globally and in the coastal upwelling region off northern Baja California, Mexico. In coastal upwelling areas the diurnal wind pattern is directed towards the coast during the day. We regularly found positive Near Surface Temperature Stratification (NSTS), the resulting density stratification is expected to reduce the frictional coupling of the surface layer from deeper waters and allow for its more efficient wind transport. We propose that the net transport of the top layer of approximately 2.7 kilometers per day towards the coast helps maintain surface blooms of slow growing dinoflagellate such as Lingulodinium polyedrum. We measured: near surface stratification with a free-rising CTD profiler, trajectories of drifter buoys with attached thermographs, wind speed and direction, velocity profiles via an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Chlorophyll and cell concentration from water samples and vertical migration using sediment traps. The ADCP and drifter data agree and show noticeable current shear within the first meters of the surface where temperature stratification and high cell densities of L. polyedrum were found during the day. Drifters with 1m depth drogue moved towards the shore, whereas drifters at 3 and 5 m depth showed trajectories parallel or away from shore. A small part of the surface population migrated down to the sea floor during night thus reducing horizontal dispersion. The persistent transport of the surface bloom population towards shore should help maintain the bloom in favorable environmental conditions with high nutrients, but also increasing the potential socioeconomic impact of the blooms. The coast wise transport is not limited to blooms but includes all dissolved and particulate constituents in surface waters. © 2013 Ruiz-de la Torre et al.
chlorophyll, algal bloom, article, cell count, cell density, coastal waters, controlled study, dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedrum, meteorological phenomena, Mexico, near surface temperature stratification, nonhuman, nutrient concentration, popul CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA